Welcome everyone.
I've been on the Internet pretty much from day one, and have had this Web site for well over eighteen years now. As part of making sense of my sprawling Web presence, I split my work into multiple Web sites:
- dslrbodies.com — coverage of all Nikon DSLR cameras, lenses, and accessories
- zsystemuser.com — coverage of the Nikon Z system cameras, lenses, and accessories
- sansmirror.com — coverage of all mirrorless camera systems
- filmbodies.com — legacy coverage of all Nikon F-mount film SLRs
- bythom.com (this site) — an index to the other sites, plus photo travel, technique, and teaching points
This change was due to a simple reason: my prolific content was starting to get buried and individual articles difficult to find. As I neared a thousand Web pages of content (almost 300MBs of just text) it became clear that I needed to do some reorganization and updating. I started working on that project in 2010. It took me several re-starts to figure out that having everything in one site would mean a hugely complex structure and wouldn't necessarily help you find what you're looking for, and I finally delivered the new sites starting in late 2011 and early 2012. In fall of 2015 I transitioned these sites to be mobile friendly using a responsive layout.

I'm not the only Web presence that has opted for separate sites to help keep clutter from overwhelming content. Indeed, the big boys (Yahoo, CNET, AOL, and others) have all had to grapple with this same problem and eventually opt for the multiple URL approach, too.
I hope you enjoy these sites, and let me know how I’m doing from time to time.
Help me improve the sites! If you find incorrect or incomplete information, be sure to let me know. Just fill out the form on the Contact page and let me know what you found.